لبخند ۱                        smile1

لبخند ۱ smile1

خوش آمدید-welcome
لبخند ۱                        smile1

لبخند ۱ smile1

خوش آمدید-welcome

کوچکترین و نازترین بچه زرافه ی دنیا


بچه زرافه کوچولوی 34 کیلویی که دو هفته زودتر به دنیا آمده اندامی بسیار کوچکتر از سایز طبیعی یک زرافه تازه به دنیا آمده دارد. این بچه زرافه با چشمان فوق العاده زیبا در باغ وحش چستر در انگلیس به دنیا آمده است.

Her eyes are beautiful. Most babies measuring 5 ft would be considered big, but newborn giraffe, Margaret, at Chester Zoo, UK is seen as unusually small for her species. She is one of the smallest giraffes ever born at Chester Zoo, but pint-sized Margaret will soon be an animal to look up to.

Little Margaret, who is the first female Rothschild giraffe born at the zoo, is being hand-reared by her dedicated keepers. The first calf for six-year-old mum Fay, Margaret, who was born two weeks early, tipped the scales at just 34 kilos (75 lbs) and is a mere 5 ft tall.

Tim Rowland's, team leader of the Giraffes section, said: 'Margaret is one of the smallest giraffe calves we have ever seen. Fay isn't the largest of giraffes and Margaret was also early which might go some way to explaining her size. 'Margaret was having difficulty suckling so our  
keeping team are now hand-rearing her 

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